Sunday, February 17, 2008

Monday, February 18, 2008



Texafornia said...

I used to have piriformis like a mofo. It will act up whenever I quit stretching. Sit down, pull your bad leg up and put its ankle on your good leg's knee. Push down on your bad leg's knee and also curve your back over and try to touch your forehead to your bad leg's shin. Release all pressure and straighten back and try to touch forehead to ceiling.

Repeat. A lot. 20 times or so.

You should really feel it pulling and stretching that piriformis muscle out. Another good one is so sit in a chair and extend the bad leg out and point its toes back at you. Curl upper body forward and try to touch forehead to knee. Relax and put leg down and straighten back. That's called "neural flossing!"

ramster said...

turns out i rested today too